Having a newborn can be really tough for anyone. Make mom life easier by learning these 21 helpful newborn hacks when you become a new parent.

Newborn Guide for first-time parents
Having a baby is not easy. It’s hard to imagine that such a tiny thing can be so much work. But oh… it can. Finding helpful newborn hacks to make your life easier with a newborn is essential to surviving your first year as a new parent.
So in an effort to make your mom’s life a lot easier, I’ve put together the top 21 tips I wish I knew when I became a mom for the first time.
I hope you find these brilliant newborn hacks as helpful as I did!
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21 Helpful Newborn Hacks for Brand New Moms
1 – Avoid changing pad covers
It’s fun to get those cute changing pad covers that match your newborn’s room. You were even smart and asked for two! But that won’t make a difference. You will still end up with poop all over them and washing them every 2 seconds.
Save yourself the laundry and get a simple solid-colored changing pad that can easily be wiped down.
2 – Stash Wipes Everywhere
I learned pretty quickly that baby wipes are good for a lot more than just cleaning a baby’s bottom. They can clean up almost any spill or stain. You can use them to clean up messes on your own shirt and even furniture. So buy some baby wipes in bulk and keep some stashed all around the house.
I even have a few extra packs in the car. They are great for cleaning up spills and wiping sticky fingers as your kid gets older.
3 – Bring a change of clothes for baby and yourself
You most likely have an extra onesie or an extra outfit for baby in your diaper bag in case anything happens while you are out. But did you think to bring something for yourself?
I can’t even tell you how many times I had baby spit-up or baby poop on my clothes. But the worst is when I didn’t have time to pump and I started leaking everywhere while out running errands. I quickly learned to keep an extra bra and shirt with me anywhere I went.
4 – Use pajamas with zippers, not snaps
There might not seem like a big difference. But when it’s the middle of the night and you’re tired and it’s dark, trying to coordinate snaps can seem like a nightmare. Make it easy on yourself and get pajamas that zipped up.
5 – Don’t just use your pack n play for travel
Set your pack n play up in a room where you might frequently go so you have an extra place to put baby if you need to. I had mine set up in the family room, right by the kitchen. So I had a place to put baby if I needed to get something done really fast.
6 – Use a swaddle with velcro
Babies love to be swaddled and some moms are swaddling ninjas but some of us have a harder time getting it just right. Make it a lot easier on yourself by purchasing an easy swaddle that has velcro to quickly secure baby and get them down for a nap a lot faster.

7 – Use a white noise machine
Moms who demand absolute silence when their baby sleeps will regret it later on when every little noise wakes them up as toddlers. Get your baby conditioned early on to noise with a soft white noise maker or sound machine.
This inexpensive sound machine also helped my daughter sleep as an older child too.
8 – Sleep when the baby sleeps
The number one complaint from new moms is the lack of sleep and exhaustion they encounter when having a new baby. Babies sleep so much, so learn to sleep with them.
It seems appealing to get stuff done around the house when they are asleep, but momma needs her rest too. Learn to sleep with them and then find creative ways to get your household chores done while they are awake.
9 – Wear your baby
Grab a baby wrap and learn to wear your baby around. It not only promotes bonding between you and your newborn, but it helps keep your hands free so you can get all those chores done will baby is awake.
10 – Use Gripe water
I had no idea what this was before I became a mom and at first, I was like “grape?” No, no. It’s called GRIPE water and it’s probably the single most genius thing to ease baby’s gas. Seriously, it’s a lifesaver.
11 – Breastfeed laying down
This is another great tip for trying to get the rest every mama needs and deserves. Breastfeeding babies can take anywhere from 20-40 minutes and during that time, you are just staring into space.
Use that time wisely and get rest while baby feeds. I would grab my newborn and lay down on the couch with her at my side. Even just a 30-minute power nap while she fed would help me feel better.

12 – Dream feed your infant
If you haven’t heard about it yet, then dream feeding may just be the best way to get your baby sleeping through the night. As much as we always learn to never wake a sleeping baby, this feeding method has you waking your baby to feed them right before you go to sleep through the night.
You can learn more about dream feeding by going here and reading all about it.
13 – Pull baby onesie down when they have a blowout
Those cute little folds on the sides of baby’s onesie have a purpose. They are meant to widen the next area so you can pull the onesie down instead of over their head. So when they have a big poop blowout, you don’t need to worry about getting it all over their face and hair.
14 – Get a baby hammock
Putting your baby in a baby hammock is not only super comfortable for them but also a lifesaver when trying to go grocery shopping. Car seats just take up far too much room in the grocery cart, so this little device allows you to gently place baby in the hammock and allow you enough room to fill your cart.
15 – Get a backpack and not a diaper bag
Better yet, get a gender-neutral backpack that works for both mom and dad. When I first got pregnant, I wanted the cutest diaper bag. But quickly after having my newborn, I realized how impractical diaper bags are and went out and bought an inexpensive diaper backpack instead.
If you get a nice neutral color, then dad can use it too. Transferring stuff back and forth between 2 different diaper bags is a pain in the butt and you are sure to forget something.
16 – Cut fingernails while the baby is sleeping
Babies are fully relaxed when they are either sleeping or feeding. Use this time to cut their fingernails. Because we all know that new moms are terrified of hurting their baby when they cut their nails! So make it easy on you both by doing it while they are asleep.
17 – Help your newborn establish a day and night routine
Newborns quite easily have different night rhythms than we do. In order for them to not be awake all night long (for mom’s sake too!) help them stay up during the day by being interactive with them and not letting them sleep all day long.
18 – Have hydration on hand
No one told me breastfeeding was going to make you so dehydrated. Every time I sat down to breastfeed, I was suddenly dying of thirst. I started grabbing a Vitamin Water from the fridge before I even took the baby out of the crib. So I could chug a whole bottle while she fed.
Make sure you have a good water bottle on hand, or enough liquids to keep you hydrated if you plan to breastfeed.
19 – Learn the 5 S’s
Say what?!? Swaddling, Shushing Swinging, Sucking, Side laying. These “S’s” are the key to getting a fussy baby to quiet down. By doing all or just a few, even the most colicky baby will settle down by learning these 5 techniques.

20 – Make a portable diaper changing station
Especially if you have stairs in your home. You are not going to want to be running to the baby’s room every time they need a diaper change. Take a portable caddy and stack some diaper essentials in it and place one or two in different spots around the house. That way you can change baby anywhere you are.
21 – Accept help
I wish I would have listened to this tip more often. I wish every new mother would! If someone offers help, take them up on it! It could be any simple thing. Make dinner, watch the baby for 30 minutes so you can shower. Help vacuum the house.
New moms understand what it’s like to have a newborn and genuinely WANT to help out. Take them up on it so you don’t go crazy trying to do it all on your own.
Keep Reading: Shocking Truths You Can Expect the First Week Home with Baby
New Mom Hacks
Get ready for baby’s arrival with these great newborn tips and tricks. You’ll wish you knew them much sooner! Follow my Pinterest boards for more newborn and postpartum tips.
You might also be interested in:
- Postpartum Care Essentials Every New Mom Needs
- How to Bond with Your Newborn
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Sleep training! You can find a lot of sites about this. my favorite one is parental-love com, and Hold With Love method 🙂
Yes! Sleep training is great too. I should add that to the list!
Love these Jenny! I second the comment about sleep training, at first the idea scared me, but after we hit rock bottom (aka not getting any sleep at night), we found a way to sleep train our twins, and it was magic!
Also, I love the idea of taking the pack n play outside and putting a crib sheet over it to protect from bugs and sun. 👌🏼
The weather outside is chilly, baby! If the temperatures drop, you need to bundle your kiddos up. Outerwear is an essential part of any child’s winter wardrobe. Then, you can consider a baby hat and gloves once you have invested in a good coat or snowsuit.